File-like option where the "file contents" comes from a string?

Dennis dkorpel at
Wed Nov 27 16:38:33 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 27 November 2024 at 01:12:23 UTC, Andy Valencia 
> Again and again for testing I run into how nice it would be to 
> have an open "File" which has its contents set by the unit test 
> code

I don't know what situation you're in so this may not be 
applicable, but I personally rarely use mocks, because I write my 
code as `pure` as possible and push dependencies on the file 
system / environment / user interface etc. to the top. For 
example, instead of:

void main(string[] args)
     writeln(lineCount(File(args[1], "r")));

int lineCount(File f) => f.byLine.walkLength;

     // Annoyingly need to create file with test input
     assert(lineCount(StringFile("Good\nday")) == 2);

You can also write it like:

void main(string[] args)
     writeln(lineCount(cast(string) read(args[1])));

int lineCount(string f) pure => f.splitter('\n').walkLength;

     assert(lineCount("Good\nday") == 2);

This is a toy example. Again, you may have constraints that don't 
allow structuring your code like that, but it's worth considering.

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