Templates considered impressive
Salih Dincer
salihdb at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 2 10:26:09 UTC 2024
On Tuesday, 1 October 2024 at 17:30:20 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 01, 2024 at 04:30:27PM +0000, Salih Dincer wrote:
>> Please add this to your MyCon structure:
>> ```d
>> alias value this;
>> // assert(num1 == 3.14);
>> ```
>> And test it like this too, I think it's awesome!
> [...]
> IMO it's not a good idea to recommend the use of `alias this`.
> It's a neat trick that solves the short-term problem...
You may be right about the alias. Let's go a little further and
put the convertToHex() function between the template and the
template MyCon(T, string str = "0")
MyCon convert = str;
struct MyCon
T value; //alias value this;
this(R)(R data)
import std.conv : to;
value = data.to!T;
mixin DownRange;
enum _input = str;
string convertToHex()
import std.string : format;
return _input.format!"%-(%02X%)";
import std.stdio;
void main()
mixin MyCon!(double, "3.141") piNumber;
piNumber.convertToHex().write(": ");
auto iNumber = MyCon!double("0.123");
piNumber.convertToHex().write(": ");
// mixin MyCon!(int, "123") testError;
mixin myStatement!(int, "Hello");
assert(_value == 42); // no error
mixin myStatement!(double, "D!");
// assert(_value == 42);
template myStatement(T, string value = "")
auto doIt()
T.stringof.writeln(": ", value);
return 42;
auto _value = doIt();
template DownRange()
auto empty() => value <= 0;
auto front() => value;
auto popFront() => --value;
struct S
int value;
mixin DownRange;
I also added another template called DownRange (InputRange
functions) inside a template. Since the structures of this mixin
are static codes, unfortunately everything looks like const and
cannot be changed. Please play around in the
[playground](https://run.dlang.io/). I tried to show many things
in the code above.
Here is the output of the code:
332E313431: [3.141, 2.141, 1.141, 0.141]
332E313431: 0.123
int: Hello
double: D!
Please note iNumber, not piNumber.
SDB at 79
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