LDC cant find lld-link when crosscompiling

Johan j at j.nl
Wed Oct 9 18:33:28 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 9 October 2024 at 16:07:29 UTC, AzuraAkumore wrote:
> Im trying to set up a project that i want to compile for both 
> Windows and Linux. I a on a Linux machine.
> When compiling for Linux, the platform I'm on, ldc works no 
> problem. its only when I specify to compile for windows that it 
> cant find lld-link. I installed both LDC and DMD via the deb 
> package files.

`lld-link` is the linker that LDC calls by default (apparently in 
your case), but that program is not shipped with LDC. You have to 
install it separately.
You can compile with the `-v` flag to see the command that LDC 
calls to invoke the linker (at the end of the output).

Another idea it to use `--link-internally`, which uses the linker 
built into LDC (same linker as lld-link).


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