Accessing __traits(identifier) for variadic function arguments

Alexa Schor alexaschor at
Fri Oct 11 03:01:54 UTC 2024


I've been working on building some debug print functions and have 
been using the `__traits(identifier, x)` to get the name of 
parameters passed into a function, trying as best I can to 
replicate the functionality of the useful C++ [`#` 
operator]( to 
turn a macro argument into a string literal.

This works fine for a single aliased argument

void printName(alias val)() {
     writeln(__traits(identifier, val));

but I wanted to see if I could get it working in a variadic 
function. However, attempting with a static foreach, it seems 
that the `__traits(identifier)` value is not preserved:

void printNames(T...)(T args) {
     static foreach(val; args)
         writeln(__traits(identifier, val));

void main() {
     float x = 123;
     float y = 456;


     printNames(x, y);




*(I guess this makes sense, as it's no longer a aliased template 
argument and now is a function argument, although I thought I 
remember reading that variadic function arguments were aliased?)*

I suppose my question is: is there any way to determine the 
original name of a value passed into a variadic function, in the 
way that the `printName` function above does?

I'm quite new to this language, so I very much apologize if this 
question is ill-formed or based on incorrect assumptions. I also 
realize this is a weird application, so I wouldn't be too 
surprised if this just isn't possible, but I figured I'd ask here.

Thank you,

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