Is it possible to use templates to implement something like the `@show` macro from the Julia programming langauge in D?

Salih Dincer salihdb at
Mon Sep 9 19:29:01 UTC 2024

On Monday, 9 September 2024 at 17:56:04 UTC, monkyyy wrote:
> auto parse(char[] s)=>s[9..$-2];
> void show(T,string file= __FILE__,int line=__LINE__)(T t){
>     writeln(File(file).byLine.drop(line-1).front.parse," == 
> ",t);
> }
> void main(){
>     int i=3;
>     show(i++ + ++i * i);
>     show(i);
> }

This solution is really successful. I didn't think there could be 
any other solution than mixin(); this is utterly ingenious!

There is a working version of the code below and different tests. 
My only concern is why i == 5 in the line below when i == 28?

import std;

auto parse(char[] s) => s[9..$ - 2];
void show(string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__, T)(T t)
             .writeln(" == ", t);

template f(ulong n) {
   static if(n < 2) const f = 1;
   else const f = n * f!(n - 1);

void main()
     int i = 3;
     show(i++ + ++i * i);
	T factorial(T)(T n)=>n<2?1:n*factorial(--n);
/* Prints:
i++ + ++i * i == 28
i == 5
factorial(10) == 3628800
f!10 == 3628800
SDB at 79

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