How to Humanize Numerical Input|Output

Jabari Zakiya jzakiya at
Mon Sep 9 20:02:48 UTC 2024

I have this code to input integer values:

   ulong[] x;
   foreach (_; 0 .. 2) { ulong a; readf!" %d"(a); x ~= a; }
   end_num = max(x[0], 3);
   start_num = max(x[1], 3);
   if (start_num > end_num) swap(start_num, end_num);
   start_num = start_num | 1;             // if start_num even add 
   end_num = (end_num - 1) | 1;           // if end_num even 
subtract 1
   if (end_num - start_num < 2) { start_num = 7; end_num = 7; }


Currently I have to enter data as:   123456 789102

I'd like to enter data as:  123_456 789_10

How do I do that?

Also for output, I do this:

writeln("total twins = ", twinscnt, "; last twin = ", last_twin - 
1, "+/-1");

I'd also like to output data as:  123,987 or 123_987

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