Problem with assertThrown
thekookman at
Tue Sep 10 01:11:03 UTC 2024
On Tuesday, 10 September 2024 at 01:04:15 UTC, Jonathan M Davis
> When I run it locally, assertThrown passes as expected for test
> case 5, and the same happens on, so nothing in my
> specific setup is making it pass when it normally wouldn't.
> So, unless you verified that your example failed (and since you
> forgot to include that enum, I suspect you didn't), I would
> guess that whatever your problem is went away when you reduced
> the code to provide the example for your question.
> I would note however, that the message for the AssertError that
> you provided
> did not come from assertThrown, since while assertThrown does
> take the file
> and line number from the caller, its message starts with
> "assertThrown failed:", whereas your error message was the
> generic message
> that you get from an assertion failure. So, whatever is going
> wrong in your
> code, assertThrown is not determining that your code didn't
> throw and then
> throwing an AssertError. It looks like an assertion on line
> #283 of whatever
> code you actually ran (which is clearly longer than the example
> you
> provided, since it's not that long) is failing.
> - Jonathan M Davis
Ah! *(forehead slap)* Thank you! It was actually an assert in the
immediately following unittest block failing (which I hadn't
added a message to). I should have tried my reduced version
before posting.
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