mod of negative number

Craig Dillabaugh craig.dillabaugh at
Mon Sep 23 20:02:25 UTC 2024

On Monday, 23 September 2024 at 19:52:02 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh 
> Why does the following program:
>     \<code>
>         import std.stdio;
>         int main(string[] args) {
>             uint Q = 7681;
>             writeln("Val = ", -1 % Q);
>             return 0;
>         }
>     \</code>
>     Print
>         Val = 5568
> Was hoping for 1.
> I assume it is an integer promotion issue, but I am unsure how 
> to resolve.  I tried replacing the Q with to!int(Q) but this 
> gave me -1, which is closer but not right either.

Opps, sorry.  I was expecting 7680 (not -1 or 5568).

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