help with prime pairs code
Jabari Zakiya
jzakiya at
Sun Feb 2 03:22:00 UTC 2025
On Sunday, 2 February 2025 at 01:39:34 UTC, user1234 wrote:
> On Sunday, 2 February 2025 at 01:12:59 UTC, user1234 wrote:
>> On Saturday, 1 February 2025 at 21:56:23 UTC, Jabari Zakiya
>> wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 1 February 2025 at 00:21:22 UTC, user1234 wrote:
>>>> On Friday, 31 January 2025 at 20:05:54 UTC, Jabari Zakiya
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>> A first draft of the translation, not very idiomatic D code:
>>>> ```d
>>>> module prime_pairs;
>>>> import std;
>>>> [...]
>>> Thank you very much!
>>> As you can see, D is not my primary language, but I respect
>>> its speed and readability.
>>> I also have a faster Crystal version, almost identical (96%)
>>> to the Rudy code.
>> yeah Crystal is in my scope. Whyle I'm usualy not into dynamic
>> typed langs, there's something I like in the Crystal lang.
> [Gradual
> typing](,static%20typing%20to%20be%20used.)
> That's the shit I like with Crystal.
Here's the Crystal version of the Ruby code.
# Compile: crystal build --release --mcpu native
# Run as: ./prime_pairs_lohi 123_456_780
def prime_pairs_lohi(n)
return puts "Input not even n > 2" unless n.even? && n > 2
return (pp [n, 1]; pp [n//2, n//2]; pp [n//2, n//2]) if n
<= 6
# generate the low-half-residues (lhr) r < n/2
lhr = 3u64.step(to: n//2, by: 2).select { |r| r if r.gcd(n)
== 1 }.to_a
ndiv2, rhi = n//2, n-2 # lhr:hhr midpoint, max
residue limit
lhr_mults = [] of typeof(n) # for lhr values not part
of a pcp
# store all the powers of the lhr members < n-2
lhr.each do |r| # step thru the lhr members
r_pwr = r # set to first power of r
break if r > rhi // r_pwr # exit if r^2 > n-2, as
all others are too
while r < rhi // r_pwr # while r^e < n-2
lhr_mults << (r_pwr *= r) # store its current power
of r
# store all the cross-products of the lhr members < n-2
lhr_dup = lhr.dup # make copy of the lhr
members list
while (r = lhr_dup.shift) && !lhr_dup.empty? # do mults of
1st list r w/others
ri_max = rhi // r # ri can't multiply r with
values > this
break if lhr_dup[0] > ri_max # exit if product of
consecutive r’s > n-2
lhr_dup.each do |ri| # for each residue in
reduced list
break if ri > ri_max # exit for r if
cross-product with ri > n-2
lhr_mults << r * ri # store value if < n-2
end # check cross-products of
next lhr member
# remove from lhr its lhr_mults, convert vals > n/2 to lhr
complements first
lhr -= { |r_del| r_del > ndiv2 ? n - r_del :
r_del }
pp [n, lhr.size] # show n and pcp prime
pairs count
pp [lhr.first, n-lhr.first] # show first pcp prime
pair of n
pp [lhr.last, n-lhr.last] # show last pcp prime
pair of n
def tm; t = Time.monotonic; yield; Time.monotonic - t end # time
code execution
def gen_pcp
n = (ARGV[0].to_u64 underscore: true) # get n input from
puts tm { prime_pairs_lohi(n) } # show execution
runtime as last output
Add this to the D code to take terminal input and to time
I don't know if this is most idiomatic, but it works.
import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch;
void main() {
int n;
readf("%s", &n);
auto stopWatchExecution = StopWatch();
The D version is way slower, because of the array operations.
For an input of 1000000 (1M): D: 12+ secs; Crystal: 0.036 secs.
In Ruby|Crystal you can just do: lhr -= lhr_mult
to remove elements of one array from another, and not one at a
I assume there's a D equivalent?!?
As n increases so do those arrays, and the times become much
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