help with prime pairs code

Jabari Zakiya jzakiya at
Sat Feb 8 21:24:07 UTC 2025

On Wednesday, 5 February 2025 at 21:24:51 UTC, Jabari Zakiya 
> On Tuesday, 4 February 2025 at 17:17:42 UTC, Jabari Zakiya 
> wrote:
>> On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 04:59:43 UTC, monkyyy wrote:
>>> On Monday, 3 February 2025 at 04:15:09 UTC, Jabari Zakiya 
>>> wrote:
>>>> I translated this Ruby code:
>> FYI.
>> This code finds all the prime pairs that sum to n for all even 
>> integers n > 2.
>> It (Ruby code) is included in a paper I just released (Feb 2, 
>> 2025) on Goldbach's Conjecture (1742) and Bertrand's Postulate 
>> (1845). For those interested in Prime|Number Theory check it 
>> out. A lot of new, good, stuff is in it!
>> **Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture and Bertrand's Postulate 
>> Using Prime Generator Theory (PGT)**
> I updated the code to make entering data easier.
> It now mimics the Ruby|Crystal code and takes "humanized" data 
> strings.
> You can now run the code as: `$ ./primes_pair_lohi_u32 
> 123_456_780`
> I also created two versions, one for u32 input values, and one 
> for u64.
> Unless you have lots of memmory, the u32 version is best to use.
> Here's the u32 input size version.
>     // Compile with ldc2: $ ldc2 --release -O3 -mcpu native 
> prime_pairs_lohi_u32.d
>     // Run as: $ ./prime_pairs_lohi_u32 123_456_780
>     module prime_pairs;
>     import std;
>     import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch;
>     void prime_pairs_lohi(uint n) {   // inputs can be of size 
> u32
>       if ((n&1) == 1 || n < 4) { return writeln("Input not even 
> n > 2"); }
>       if (n <= 6) { writeln([n, 1]); writeln([n/2, n/2]); 
> writeln([n/2, n/2]); return; }
>       // generate the low-half-residues (lhr) r < n/2
>       auto ndiv2 = n/2;               // llr:hhr midpoint
>       auto rhi   = n-2;               // max residue limit
>       uint[] lhr = iota(3, ndiv2, 2).filter!(e => gcd(e, n) == 
> 1).array;
>       // store all the powers of the lhr members < n-2
>       uint[] lhr_mults;               // for lhr values not 
> part of a pcp
>       foreach(r; lhr) {               // step thru the lhr 
> members
>         auto r_pwr = r;               // set to first power of r
>         if (r > rhi/r_pwr) break;     // exit if r^2 > n-2, as 
> all others are too
>         while (r < rhi/r_pwr)         // while r^e < n-2
>           lhr_mults ~=(r_pwr *= r);   // store its current 
> power of rA
>       }
>       // store all the cross-products of the lhr members < n-2
>       foreach(i, r; lhr) {
>         auto ri_max = rhi / r;        // ri can't multiply r 
> with values > this
>         if (lhr[i+1] > ri_max) break; // exit if product of 
> consecutive r’s > n-2
>         foreach(ri; lhr[i+1..$]) {    // for each residue in 
> reduced list
>           if (ri > ri_max) break;     // exit for r if 
> cross-product with ri > n-2
>           lhr_mults ~= r * ri;        // store value if < n-2
>       } }
>       // convert lhr_mults vals > n/2 to their lhr complements 
> n-r,
>       // store them, those < n/2, in lhr_del; it now holds 
> non-pcp lhr vals
>       auto lhr_del =!((r_del) => r_del > ndiv2 ? 
> n - r_del : r_del).array;
>       lhr_del.sort!("a < b");
>       lhr = setDifference(lhr, lhr_del).array;
>       writeln([n,     lhr.length]);   // show n and pcp prime 
> pairs count
>       writeln([lhr[0],  n-lhr[0]]);   // show first pcp prime 
> pair of n
>       writeln([lhr[$-1],n-lhr[$-1]]); // show last  pcp prime 
> pair of n
>     }
>     void main(string[] args) {        // directly recieve input 
> from terminal
>       string[] inputs = args[1..$];   // can include '_': 
> 123_456
>       auto nums =!(i => i.filter!(n => n != '_'));
>       auto n    =!(f =>!uint())[0];
>       auto timer = StopWatch();       // create execution timer
>       timer.start();                  // start it
>       prime_pairs_lohi(n);            // run routine
>       writeln(timer.peek());          // show timer results
>     }

I've updated the code to make it shorter|simpler.

module prime_pairs;

import std;
import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch;

void prime_pairs_lohi(uint n) {   // inputs can be of size u32
   if ((n&1) == 1 || n < 4) { return writeln("Input not even n > 
2"); }
   if (n <= 6) { writeln([n, 1]); writeln([n/2, n/2]); 
writeln([n/2, n/2]); return; }

   // generate the low-half-residues (lhr) r < n/2
   auto ndiv2 = n/2;               // llr:hhr midpoint
   auto rhi   = n-2;               // max residue limit
   uint[] lhr = iota(3, ndiv2, 2).filter!(e => gcd(e, n) == 

   // store all powers and cross-products of the lhr members < n-2
   uint[] lhr_mults;               // lhr multiples, not part of a 
   foreach(i, r; lhr) {
     auto rmax = rhi / r;          // ri can't multiply r with 
values > this
     if (r < rmax) lhr_mults ~= r*r; // for r^2 multiples
     if (lhr[i+1] > rmax) break  ; // exit if product of 
consecutive r’s > n-2
     foreach(ri; lhr[i+1..$]) {    // for each residue in reduced 
       if (ri > rmax) break;       // exit for r if cross-product 
with ri > n-2
       lhr_mults ~= r * ri;        // store value if < n-2
   } }

   // convert lhr_mults vals > n/2 to their lhr complements n-r,
   // store them, those < n/2, in lhr_del; it now holds non-pcp 
lhr vals
   auto lhr_del =!((r_del) => r_del > ndiv2 ? n - 
r_del : r_del).array;
   lhr_del.sort!("a < b");
   lhr = setDifference(lhr, lhr_del).array; // lhr now contains 
just pcp primes

   writeln([n,     lhr.length]);   // show n and pcp prime pairs 
   writeln([lhr[0],  n-lhr[0]]);   // show first pcp prime pair of 
   writeln([lhr[$-1],n-lhr[$-1]]); // show last  pcp prime pair of 

void main(string[] args) {        // directly recieve input from 
   string[] inputs = args[1..$];   // can include '_': 123_456
   auto nums =!(i => i.filter!(n => n != '_'));
   auto n    =!(f =>!uint())[0];

   auto timer = StopWatch();       // create execution timer
   timer.start();                  // start it
   prime_pairs_lohi(n);            // run routine
   writeln(timer.peek());          // show timer results

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