help with prime pairs code

Salih Dincer salihdb at
Fri Feb 21 14:12:05 UTC 2025

On Wednesday, 19 February 2025 at 23:58:09 UTC, Salih Dincer 
> On Friday, 31 January 2025 at 20:05:54 UTC, Jabari Zakiya wrote:
>> I'm converting Ruby code to D and am running into issues.
>> Would appreciate what needs to be done to get it to 
>> compile/run correctly.

I removed 1 line in your code (note if (r <= rMax) ) and added 
values ​​greater than 0 to the 2nd array (lhr_del[]). 
setDifference() did not cause any problems. Can you check?

import std.stdio, std.conv, std.range, std.algorithm;
import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch;

void main(string[] args)
   alias T = uint;
   auto inputs = ["500_005_446", "65_537"];
   auto nums   =!(i => i.filter!(n => n != '_'));
   auto n      =!(f =>!T())[0];

   auto timer = StopWatch();

} /*
[500005446, 1854807]
[7, 500005439]
[250002523, 250002923]
[250001387, 250004059]
[249999649, 250005797]
[249998743, 250006703]
1 minute, 44 secs, 656 ms, 912 μs, and 8 hnsecs


void prime_pairs_lohi(T)(T n)
   if (n & 1 || n < 4) { return writeln("Input not even n > 2"); }
   if (n <= 6) { writeln([n, 1]); writeln([n/2, n/2]); 
writeln([n/2, n/2]); return; }

   T ndiv2 = n / 2;
   T rhi   = n - 2;
   T[] lhr;// = iota(3, ndiv2, 2).filter!(e => gcd(e, n) == 
   lhr.reserve(n / 4); // SDB at 79 added!

   auto factors = n.getFactors!100;
   for (T i = 3; i < ndiv2; i += 2)
     bool coprime = true;
     foreach (p; factors)
       if (i % p == 0)
         coprime = false;
     if (coprime) lhr ~= i;

   // identify and store all powers and cross-products of the lhr 
members < n-2
   T[] lhr_del;       // lhr multiples, not part of a pcp
   foreach(i, r; lhr) // iterate thru lhr to find prime multiples
     auto rMax = rhi / r;
     if (r <= rMax)   // ri can't multiply r with values >= this
       T r2 = r * r;  // for r^2 multiples
       if (auto value = (r2 < ndiv2) ? r2 : n - r2)
       { // SDB at 79 added!
         lhr_del ~= value;
     // SDB at 79 removed!
     // if (lhr[i+1] > rmax) break;  // exit if product of 
consecutive r’s > n-2

     foreach(ri; lhr[i+1..$]) {      // for each residue in 
reduced list
       if (ri > rMax) break;         // exit for r if 
cross-product with ri > n-2
       if (auto value = (r*ri < ndiv2) ? r*ri : n - r*ri) // store 
value if < n-2
       { // SDB at 79 added!
         lhr_del ~= value;

   // remove from lhr its lhr multiples, the pcp remain
   lhr = lhr.setDifference(lhr_del.sort!"a < b").array;

   writeln([n, lhr.length]);            // show n and pcp prime 
pairs count
   writeln([lhr[0], n-lhr[0]]);         // show first pcp prime 
pair of n
   writeln([lhr[$-1], n - lhr[$-1]]);   // show last  pcp
   writeln([lhr[$-10], n-lhr[$-10]]);   // show last  pcp prime 
pair of n
   writeln([lhr[$-20], n-lhr[$-20]]);   // show last  pcp prime 
pair of n
   writeln([lhr[$-30], n-lhr[$-30]]);   // show last  pcp prime 
pair of n

auto getFactors(int limit, T)(T n)
   T[] factors;
   T f = 3;
   T x = n;/*
   T x = n;
   while (x % 2 == 0) {
     factors ~= 2;
           x /= 2;
   while (f < limit && f * f <= x)
     if (x % f == 0)
       if (!factors.canFind(f))
         factors ~= f;
       x /= f;
     } else {
       f += 2;
   //if (x > 1) factors ~= x;

   return factors;

auto gcd(T)(T a, T b)
   while (b != 0)
     auto temp = b;
     //while (a >= b) a -= b;/*
     a %= b; //*/
     b = a;
     a = temp;
   return cast(T)a;

SDB at 79

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