UTF-8 char and write(f)ln

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 5 17:56:25 UTC 2025

On 3/4/25 12:09 AM, Vindex9 wrote:
 > Program:
 > ```d
 > import std.stdio;
 > void main() {
 >      string s = "ταυ";
 >      foreach(i, elem; s) {
 >          writefln("%s %s '%s'", i, cast(int)elem, elem);
 >          writefln("%s", elem);
 >      }
 > }
 > ```
 > Output:
 > ```
 > 0 207 '�'
 > 1 132 '�'
 > τ


 > How does the second writefln know about the context and can adequately
 > output a character on every other iteration?

It shouldn't and does not work in my environment (both inside an Emacs 
buffer and inside a Linux terminal).

I think you are running your program in an environment where 132 is 
mapped to τ, etc. Perhaps a "code page" setting is helping (or hurting) 
you there?


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