Probabilistic search - psearch.tar.gz

BCS BCS_member at
Tue Apr 4 13:37:37 PDT 2006

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Lets assume that here unordered set (string) has flat distribution of 
> element(chars) occurences.
> You can cry, pray, read C++ books, whatever you like, but it will take you 
> N/2 comparisons average
> and in the worst case N comparisons to find first occurence of something 
> there.
> The only thing which affect N/2 average is the quality of your random 
> generator (flatness of distribution).
> And this quality is usual reason of "wonders" in such discoveries.
> Andrew Fedoniouk.

That is true if you are using N for the size of your alphabet


B is a string of random bits with even distribution of 1 or 0.

Find the first 1 bit.

mean search length is something like 1-2

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