Make imports private by default

clayasaurus clayasaurus at
Thu Apr 13 09:36:25 PDT 2006

clayasaurus wrote:
> Hasan Aljudy wrote:
>> Don Clugston wrote:
>>> Hasan Aljudy wrote:
>>>> Frank Benoit wrote:
>>>>> There was a posting of Tyro
>>>>> Most ppl seconded that.
>>>>> The problem is, that D does not work if you use non-private imports 
>>>>> all
>>>>> the time. Suddenly there are conflicts.
>>>>> A public import make the imported module part of this modules 
>>>>> interface.
>>>>> This can (and should) be made public explicitely.
>>>> I never understood why people use private imports .. just what the 
>>>> hell is the point?
>>>> Please give real, concrete examples, not just theories/talk.
>>>> "Clogging up the namespace" doesn't say anything meaningful to me.
>>> If module foo publicly imports, then any module which 
>>> imports foo cannot use std.string.format without colliding with 
>>> This has bitten me several times already.
>> OK, this seems to be a valid problem, however, even if imports become 
>> private by default, there's nothing stopping foo from publicly 
>> importing and std.string at the same time.
> But at least the error is in the file the dmd compiler says it is, the 
> error for the above problem will be almost impossible for a maintainer 
> to find in a large project.

Nevermind, I thought you were trying to illustrate a different problem :-/

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