syntax idea: simplifed ifs

Derek Parnell derek at psych.ward
Thu Apr 13 17:29:58 PDT 2006

On Fri, 14 Apr 2006 05:58:54 +1000, Bruno Medeiros  
<brunodomedeirosATgmail at> wrote:

> One can do this with plain old functions. Well, with typesafe variadic  
> functions that is:
>    equalsAny( x + y, 10, b, c)
> also possible (but somewhat weird..) :
>    equals(x + y).AnyOf(10, b, c)
> Or am I missing something terribly obvious? :o

You are missing nothing ... we can do lots of stuff using functions.

    equals(result, add(x,y))


   result = x + y;

Why do we have such syntax sugar?

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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