static if for array type templates

Frank Benoit keinfarbton at
Sat Apr 15 05:16:25 PDT 2006

if compiled with -version=witharray it gives an error about:
arithmetic/string type expected for value-parameter, not int[]

But I have this static if... ?

/**/ class C( T ){
/**/     T mValue;
/**/     // not for array types
/**/     static if( !is( T : T[] )){
/**/         template TCmp( T tCompConst ){
/**/             bool comp(){
/**/                 return mValue > tCompConst;
/**/             }
/**/         }
/**/     }
/**/ }
/**/ class C1 : C!( int ){
/**/     mixin TCmp!( 3 );
/**/ }
/**/ version ( witharray ){
/**/     class C2 : C!( int[] ){
/**/     }
/**/ }
/**/ void main(){
/**/ }

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