auto classes and finalizers
Don Clugston
dac at
Tue Apr 18 06:25:40 PDT 2006
Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> Don Clugston wrote:
>> kris wrote:
>>> Mike Capp wrote:
>>>> In article <e1cq0t$1fm5$1 at>, kris says...
>>>>> I thought the idea was that classes with dtors are /intended/ to be
>>>>> explicitly cleaned up? That, implicit cleanup of resources (manana,
>>>>> some time) was actually a negative aspect? At least, that's what
>>>>> Mike was suggesting, and it seemed like a really good idea.
>>>> Um... can we avoid using "implicit" and "explicit" in this context?
>>>> "Implicit"
>>>> to me means "without writing any code", which covers both RAII and
>>>> GC cleanup
>>>> (if you're lucky). "Explicit" to me means manual calls to dtors or
>>>> dispose(),
>>>> which is the worst of all possible approaches.
>>> Yeah, I see the murk. What would you prefer to call them? The
>>> distinction being made there was whether the dtor was initiated via
>>> delete/auto, versus normal collection by the GC (where the latter was
>>> referred to as implicit).
>> deterministic and non-deterministic.
> I don't like those terms. Although they are not false (because
> *currently* explicit destruction is deterministic, and implicit
> destruction in non-deterministic), the fact of whether the destructor
> was called deterministically or non-deterministically is not in itself
> relevant to this issue.
I'm not sure that this is correct, see below.
> What is relevant is the state of the object to
> be destroyed (in defined or undefined state).
> Nor is implicit destruction/collection inherently non-deterministic and
> vice-versa. (even if systems that operated this way would be unpractical)
Yes, you're right, a finaliser could be invoked immediately whenever the
last reference goes out of scope. But I think (not sure) that the issues
with finalisers would disappear if they were deterministic in this
manner. At least, I'm confident that non-deterministic scope-based
destructors would suffer from the same problems that finalisers do.
> So far, I'm keeping the terms "implicit" and "explicit", as they seems
> adequate to me and I don't find at all that RAII collection is
> "implicit" or "without writing any code".
However, RAII has been contrasted with "explicit" memory management for
a very long time. "Explicit" has a firmly established meaning of 'new'
and 'delete', it's very confusing to use them to mean something entirely
different. (If however, the distinction is between "gc" and "non-gc",
let's call a spade a spade).
On this topic -- there's an interesting thread on comp.c++ by Andrei
Alexandrescu about gc and RAII. Among other things, he argues that
finalisers are a flawed concept that shouldn't be included. (BTW, he
seems to be getting *very* interested in D -- he now has a link to the D
spec on his website, for example -- so his opinions are worth examining).
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