A better language

renox renosky at free.fr
Tue Apr 18 14:23:00 PDT 2006

Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:

> renox wrote:
>> Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:
>> [cut interesting remark showing that automagic pointer dereferencing 
>> reduce the interest of postfix pointer derefencing]
>>> // your idea: x: @[10]->int;
>>> // currently: int[10]* x;
>>> Knowing that in D types are read right-to-left in declarations,
>> I know that and for me, this is an unpleasant pitfall of D, especially 
>> for array declaration:
>> int[Y][X] t; and then t[x][y] = ...
>> t: [X]->[Y]->int; and then t[x][y] = ...
>> Honnestly which reads better?
> Honestly, to my eyes?  The current style.  I don't care for the `->` 
> symbol needed in the proposed syntax,

In Pascal it was 'type: array[1,10] of int;' if memory serves which is 
definitely too verbose. I like '->' that's what Scala use: it looks like 
math.. But this is just a matter of taste.

> and I'm just too used (in D) to 
> scanning down columns of variables and glancing (right to left) to check 
> types. 

That's the problem once you got used to a syntax, you don't even see its 
  problem anymore, as I'm not using D and that in C/C++ the array 
declaration has the correct order, the inverse array declaration/usage 
of D still 'hurt my eyes'.

> Probably if it had been otherwise from earlier on, my habits 
> would be different, while as it is...  Although I do admit to liking a 
> left-to-right style in general, I just don't see a way to do it in D.  
> For what its worth, a purely hypothetical pet language of me and a 
> couple buddies (codename Lux) has used this for years:
> # {* Equivelant to D decleration "int[10]* x;" *}
> # var() {
> #   &[10]int32 : x ;
> # }

Interesting, I like it. It's compact and it's clever to use & instead of  *.
The terseness may make it a bit hard to read for beginners, but it's nice.

I prefer 'variable: type' than the other way round because as in Limbo 
you can do this nice regular syntax:

my_var : int; // declares my_var with type int and initialise it with 
default value of type int (0).
my_var : int = 5; // declares my_var with type int and initialise it with 5
my_var := 5; // declares my_var with type inferred from 5 (int), and 
initialise it with 5
my_var = 6; // assign 6 to my_var, my_var must already be declared with 
a compatible type.

To avoid people abusing of ':=', the language just have to forbid double 
declaration of variable in the same function.


> -- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

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