D: A language without focus

Hasan Aljudy hasan.aljudy at gmail.com
Wed Apr 26 15:45:50 PDT 2006

gabe wrote:
> I would like to post some more ideas about this, and I'd like to start
> organizing those people who are interested in joining together. I'd like to hear
> back from the community about this. I'd like to hear back from people excited
> about making D the best possible language it can be -- and making programming in
> D an absolute joy.
> I look forward to hearing from you! 
> _________________
> New to the land of D, but I like the look of the place.
> -Gabe

That makes alot of perfect sense.
We need someone to start and take the initiative, I'd be happy to join 
in and help with whatever I can.

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