64 bit compilers

pragma ericanderton at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 12 14:16:21 PDT 2006

Kirk McDonald wrote:
> Jan Knepper wrote:
>> Justin C Calvarese wrote:
>>> I know that the newsguy software doesn't run on the 64-bit server, 
>>> but do you mean that you can't find any web interface software that 
>>> runs on a 64-bit architecture?
>> I have searched and have found:
>> http://www.newsreaders.com/web/software.html
>> pnews http://www.digitalmars.com/pnews/ which does not load the 
>> digitalmars.D newsgroup as it seems to have more messages than pnews 
>> understands and requires a while truck load of additional stuff to be 
>> able to display messages threaded.
>> w3news http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/kp229/w3news/ which crashes
>> Apache::NNTPGateway 
>> http://search.cpan.org/doc/BOUBAKER/Apache-NNTPGateway-0.8/NNTPGateway.pm 
>> which kinda works, but takes forever to list all articles in a newsgroups
>> I have not had the time to try anything else.
>> Open Source is nice, but there is definitely a LOT of junk out there.
>> Jan
> Maybe I'm just being an unrepentant Python fanboy here, but it would be 
> fairly trivial to hack something together with Python. The standard 
> library even has an NNTP client:
> http://docs.python.org/lib/module-nntplib.html
> In fact, I'm willing to bet that someone, somewhere has written a 
> web-based newsreader with Python, though I can't say I've ever looked.

Well, while we're talking about alternative solutions here: PHP Pear has 
some nuts and bolts that talk NNTP as well.  I'm sure that between the 
two there's more than enough room to cobble together an alternative 
solution for web-based newsreader.

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