[OT] Auto code reformating / one coding style enforcment.

Anders F Björklund afb at algonet.se
Mon Aug 14 23:37:06 PDT 2006

Dawid Ciężarkiewicz wrote:

> /me is dreaming about kind of public agreement:
> "We - the D users - when coding in D will always reformat it using style
> described: <a href="somelink">here</a> even when we personally think it's
> not perfect/best/favorite style and will be strongly advicing anybody who
> codes in D to do so as well."

Yeah, but I can't really see that happening...

"We, the undersigned, promise to leave our hard tabs at 8 and use
both hard tabs and spaces for four step indentation as we set fit."

> However I have a doubts that such group effort could succeed in language
> with C-like syntax. Too many people coming from different places with
> different habits.
> Even phobos sources have mixed space/tabs indentation (mixed in single
> file!) ... sad.

"Sad" doesn't sound like a step to the above :-)

Walter's indentation style advocates doing just that, mixing them.
And I guess it *is* the offical style, for both of DMD and Phobos ?


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