Lazy eval -- an example issue
foo at
Tue Aug 22 01:30:47 PDT 2006
Walter Bright wrote:
> kris wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Just get rid of the (char[]) versions. You could argue "what about
>>> the efficiency?"
>>> 1) Passing a delegate is exactly the same number of instructions as
>>> passing a char[], i.e., it is two values being passed.
>>> 2) Actually calling the dg() will, of course, cost more instructions
>>> than just referencing a []. This is mitigated by, presumably, logging
>>> being normally off, and being overshadowed by the rest of the actual
>>> logging cost.
>>> 3) It is possible that the delegate can be inlined, thus eliminating
>>> any extra overhead.
>> lol! I can just imagine 1001 log statements inlined within the log
>> code ;D
>> There's a fairly significant overhead in making a callback. Just as
>> much, or more, than handling a significant proportion of log-messages
>> themselves (I find a significant number to be static text; not
>> contructed dynamically). In addition, if the compiler can't prove
>> these logging delegate do not escape, each hosting function may well
>> have their frames allocated on the heap ... we've been discussing that
>> just recently.
> I've been thinking a lot about the escape problem. I'm pretty sure that:
> char[] delegate() { return "foo"; }
> can be detected and so I can assure you it won't cause the enclosing
> function's variables to be allocated on the heap.
>> All this because you insist programmers can't be bothered to add a
>> tiny bit of syntax (even optionally) to clarify the intent? This is
>> madness!
>> Utter madness. Please restore some sanity here.
> Calling it 'madness' is blowing things way out of proportion. (And you
> still can use the { } syntax like before.)
Asserting "programmers won't type the {}" as the reason for deliberate
introduction of ambiguous syntax is throwing caution to wind; in the
extreme. Any for what? There's not even any evidence to uphold that
assertion. You didn't even bother with a poll of the people who actually
use delegates ...
To me, that's madness. Marketing is clearly in the driving seat, and you
apparently won't even consider other options.
>> Why don't you conduct a poll asking exactly which 'programmers' won't
>> use the {} delimeters to unambiguously declare a delegate?
> I've struggled to get people to accept the {} version ever since D
> adopted anonymous delegates. Haven't made much headway in getting such
> used or in it having any sort of significant impact. How many have made
> a "dotimes(n, exp)" function or any sort of syntax extension using it?
> None that I've seen.
How do you know this? Where exactly does your information come from, and
how is it measured?
> It's sort of like the itunes. Apple didn't invent anything new. They
> just removed a couple annoying button pushes, and voila, suddenly the
> handheld music player gained traction.
> I hesitate to use argumentum ad verecundiam because it's a logical
> fallacy, so you can take the following for what it's worth. Andrei and I
> certainly have our differences of opinion. But when I disagree with him,
> I'd better have done my homework, or I'll get cut to pieces. He thinks
> (and he obviously convinced me) that removing the { } makes all the
> difference.
Perhaps Andrei doesn't write much D, or perhaps he's just wrong? Either
way, you've deliberately introduced a serious syntactic ambiguity.
That's going to cause notable detractment, and for good reason.
> I want to give it a fair shot. It has potential to be a big win for D,
> and the consequences of it being a mistake are small. How many here have
> experience with defmac in Common Lisp, or something equivalent? I sure
> don't, but people who use CL successfully say it's huge.
It is, but you don't lose anything in usability by typing the curly
parens (or some other operator/indicator). Plus the ambiguity would not
Some say Paris Hilton is "famous for being famous" -- perhaps one of the
most empty accomplishments one could possibly achieve. What we
apparently have here is ambiguity for the sake of ambiguity. Notice the
This is *not* breaking new ground, Walter -- it's only going to break
code. You can resolve that simply and easily with a minor adjustment.
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