even more delegate sugar
Don Clugston
dac at nospam.com.au
Tue Aug 22 04:03:46 PDT 2006
Oskar Linde wrote:
> Don Clugston wrote:
>> Tom S wrote:
>>> While we're at it, how about allowing the construct:
>>> methodName (arg, arg, ..., arg, { ... });
>>> to be equivalent to:
>>> methodName (arg, arg, ..., arg) { ... }
>>> and
>>> methodName ({ ... });
>>> to
>>> methodName {}
> Just as I and others have suggested already. I really like it.
>>> Then e.g. the 'dotimes' example from 'Lazy Evaluation of Function
>>> Arguments' would become:
>>> void foo() {
>>> int x = 0;
>>> dotimes(10) {
>>> writef(x++);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Which eliminates the need for lazy evaluation in this case, as it
>>> simply uses a delegate. Moreover, it is more readable and concise at
>>> the same time.
>> Sounds nice, but nowhere near enough visual cues.
>> If you leave off a semicolon, the meaning completely changes.
>> dotimes(10); {
>> writef(x++);
>> }
>> and
>> dotimes(10)
>> {
>> writef(x++);
>> }
>> would both be valid code.
> Would they? (assuming there is no dotimes overload with only one
> argument)
I was not making that assumption. There's also:
dotimes(int x, void delegate(void) y = { writefln("Surprise"); });
(I think that providing a default values for any such trailing delegate
would always create this situation).
I don't know if this would be a big problem in practice - but it makes
me a bit nervous.
What would you do with
methodName (int, void delegate(void) ... )
>> But an amazing feature of your proposal is that you could write
>> a function
>> void If(bool b, void delegate (void) f);
>> and then write
>> If( cond) { writef(xxxx); }
>> which would behave just like the built-in 'if' statement (albeit
>> without an 'else' clause). Interesting.
> Indeed.
On reflection, an even more interesting example is variants of foreach,
which I think would become completely redundant.
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