D and FreeBSD

Anders F Björklund afb at algonet.se
Thu Aug 31 14:29:57 PDT 2006

Jona Joachim wrote:

> I corrected some stuff. The port should now build and install correctly.
> Here is a gzipped tarball of the port:
> http://webplaza.pt.lu/~mpjjjjsj/files/wxd.tar.gz

Thanks for the files. The patches and the workarounds should not
be needed with wxD 0.08 (wonder about the DESTDIR changes though,
those shouldn't really be necessary, will have to investigate it)

But I'll make sure to test a Port on the PC-BSD before release...
As it is now, wxD is in a Alpha release and only supports static
linking of the wx libraries. With the Beta release, that'll change.

Also - had a contribution for wXAUI, so that's going into 0.08 too.


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