Thesis on metaprogramming in D
Steve Horne
stephenwantshornenospam100 at
Fri Dec 1 08:28:33 PST 2006
On Fri, 01 Dec 2006 00:35:36 +0800, Daniel Keep
<daniel.keep+lists at> wrote:
>Don Clugston wrote:
>> It does seem, though, that Nemerle and D are exploring a quite similar
>> 'paradigm space' (so there's probably quite a bit each can learn from
>> the other). Yet neither has really caught up with Lisp. Yet.
>No language will ever catch up to LISP: the only way to do that would be
>to become LISP, and then you have to deal with all those bloody
>parentheses :3
Not sure I agree entirely.
In my view, the things that define the Lisp language are...
1. The metaprogramming stuff, with a rather sparse core language
being extended using library macros.
2. The list based on pair (cons) objects.
3. The explicit AST-structuring using parentheses.
Well, Nemerle has metaprogramming that is basically what Lisp does
with some extra tweaks. Nemerle has pair-object based lists. And
Nemerle has explicit AST-structuring using parentheses (it has a
pre-parse stage to handle this).
Nemerle is heavily Lisp influenced. It just takes ideas from other
places too. Personally, I think it may well have overtaken Lisp - just
as powerful (within the limits of the .NET platform), yet more
immediately usable.
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