Changes before 1.0
askme at
Mon Dec 4 21:45:18 PST 2006
Bill Baxter wrote:
> janderson wrote:
>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>> janderson wrote:
>>>>> It would be helpful if the following code would work:
>>>>> enum TestEnum {
>>>>> Value1, Value2
>>>>> }
>>>>> writefln("%s", TestEnum.Value2);
>>> I agree that I've wanted this kind of feature before too, but I don't
>>> want it at the expense of bloating every single library that contains
>>> enums with lots of string equivalents that will never get used in
>>> real code. I.e. this kind of thing is really only useful for debug
>>> or prototype code.
>>> --bb
>> I don't agree on this point (that it would only be used in debug). As
>> I said, in scripting (ie game ai ect...) and in plugin libraries (ie
>> maya) its common place to use a string lookup for enums. The code
>> isn't *much* longer or more bug pron
> Mmmm -- bug pr0n. *much* longer ... more bug pr0n.... :-)
sorry I ment: slightly more bug prone but not much longer...
//enum -> string
enum A
string A[] =
//string to enum
A AToString[char[]];
void register()
AToString["Value1"] = Value;
Really not that much code. Also a lot of times in C++ you register lots
of things together...
struct AInfo
string name;
string discription;
int cost;
string A[] =
{ "Value1", "Some value I picked", 10 },
>> to write unless you go the other way and want it to be efficient (ie
>> string->enum is more complex then enum->string). Still both cases are
>> pretty trivial to write in code.
>> I guess the main thing going for it is that users would recognize the
>> pattern much more quickly (ie readability) although it does reduce the
>> chance of offset errors (had one of those just the other day).
>> -Joel
> Useful for bridging with scripting code. That's a good point. Python
> has no enums either, so they sometimes get turned into strings when
> going into Python land.
> Hey Kirk if you're listening, what does PyD do with enums?
> --bb
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