Proposal for an extension to the import syntax
John Reimer
terminal.node at
Mon Dec 11 14:59:21 PST 2006
On Mon, 11 Dec 2006 12:39:36 -0800, Chris Nicholson-Sauls
<ibisbasenji at> wrote:
> Downs wrote:
>> At the moment the phobos standard library packages form a very flat
>> structure.
>> However, it can be anticipated that with the availability of a 1.0
>> spec, more libraries written natively in D will arise.
>> These libraries may have a far deeper and more branched package
>> structure.
>> Since D does not have a construct similar to Java's "import module.*",
>> this will lead to pagefuls of import, consisting mostly of redundant
>> information, and we all know redundancy is sin ^^
>> Thus I propose an extension to the import syntax similar in meaning to
>> the following example:
>> import package.sub_package.vendor.[module_a, module_b, module_c];
>> These groups could possibly be used recursively, e.g.
>> import package.sub_package.vendor.[module_a.[sub1, sub2], module_b];
>> Any feedback, improvements, criticisms are appreciated.
>> Greetings.
> I'll say this much. Generally speaking, I am against adding anymore to
> D's import system as it stands -- it was an amazing sight when we got
> private-by-default, import aliasing, selective imports, and static
> imports. All of these things which had been wanted at one time or
> another, and thought impossible to achieve all at once. But Walter had
> one of his genius moments and invented a syntax that does provide all
> these, in a very reasonable manner. (Go W!) However, in the process,
> he did make it a little fragile. I don't know if it could handle having
> anymore shoved into it than it has now.
> /BUT/, I do have to admit your syntax at the very least is strangely
> compelling. ;) I think the longest import list I've ever had in a
> single module (not counting umbrella modules) was about ten. I consider
> ten to be perfectly acceptable; so I don't know if I agree about deep
> libraries (Mango can get there sometimes) causing a problem... but I
> guess massive multi-libs and such might later on.
> It has my cautious vote.
> -- Chris Nicholson-Sauls
Massive imports will happen. It's only a matter of time as huge projects
start rolling out. "all.d" has been a popular workaround. But, once
again, I think all.d is not optimal and only acts as a red flag that
reveals a future need.
I think in circumstances like this, Walter is willing to wait until
experience forces the issue back to the forefront (and I think it will
reappear). In fact, I'm sure this is the way many new D features will
appear in the future, especially as complex cases start identifying needs
in large commercial projects.
I do think we need a muli-import style eventually -- something that is
safe, something that is clear in regards to intent. The suggestion made
by downs is a start and shows a alertness to the potential problems of a
multi-import syntax. Maybe the idea can be further developed to improve
the syntax.
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