Array operations -- not actually so difficult

Don Clugston dac at
Fri Dec 15 07:04:30 PST 2006

Nox / Lux wrote:
> Don Clugston wrote:
>> Consider something like a dot product,
>> real a[], b[], c[];
>> real d = dot(a+b, c);
> Hmm, speaking of array operations and dot product ... Seeing as this (dot product)
> is one of the added instructions of the upcoming SSE4, would it be possible to
> automatically make use of this instruction behind the scenes, compiling a normal
> version only if SSE4 is not supported?

Since DMD has not support for 64 bit yet, and AFAIK none is planned yet, 
I think it will be a very long time before SSE4 is supported. But, it 
should be possible to link to BLAS routines that make use of the new 

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