How to work with D?
Gregor Richards
Richards at
Wed Dec 20 17:11:47 PST 2006
Dawid Ciężarkiewicz wrote:
> <SNIP>
> That is why I was looking forward for project like DSSS, but despite the
> fact it's quite unusable/broken right now I don't think that such a single
> project will make everything OK if not considered as a part of
> language-pack.
Ouch! :)
I've tried to get DSSS working everywhere, and I wrote it because I saw
this very hole. It needs a bit of smoothing, but if it's that
unusable/broken for you then I think there's either something wrong with
your environment or with how DSSS interacts with it. I haven't
extensively tested on DMD on GNU/Linux, so if that's your environment
that could be a problem too. I have some time and am going to do some
hacking at it today.
> Upcoming D 1.0 should stabilize language for a moment, but I think nothing
> will realy change because of that. v1.0 is only name + point in time -
> everything will stay the same as it is. Walter will be keeping improving
> core language and we will be developing our little D projects . Little and
> personal because wider audience will never use them - it still will be too
> hard to get them compiled and working together.
> For example: mango is a great thing. I wish to have logging support in
> almost every project and mango.log is what I like. But adding such
> dependency will mean that potential user will have +1 potential problem.
This is why I made `dsss net deps` ... which is supposed to work :)
> Adding any of existing GUI libraries means one more potential problem.
Also a good point.
> Adding database support - yet another potential problem. Of course I can
> make a fork of them and include them in my project - but that means tons of
> additional work with patching and staying up to date. And Phobos is sooo
> tiny and messy that virtualy there is nothing inside it. No real big-blocks
> that you just take and glue together to get working powerfull app. So you
> need libraries for almost anything.
> Summaring: D may be best language, but will it ever be best development
> envivorment?
> What are your thoughts about it? How do you work despite these problems?
I find myself fighting Phobos a lot. I think that a bit of smoothing of
DSSS and a bit more pimping of DSSS could solve some issues, but that
may be in part a pipe-dream.
> P.S. Little late here, sorry if I've written something unreadable. Goodnight
> everyone. :)
- Gregor Richards
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