switch break/fall (last minute request ... )

Hasan Aljudy hasan.aljudy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 25 17:04:30 PST 2006

Maybe it's pointless asking this now, five days before v1.0, but I'll 
give it a try.

I would love it if there was a way to let the compiler catch the common 
bug of forgetting a "break" statement after a case clause in a switch 

The C behavior of automatically falling through is a cause of many many 
bugs. It's really easy to forget a break and it's not really easy to 
discover this bug.

I propose a new keyword, "fall", that would explicitly indicate the 
coder's intention of allowing the switch statement to fall through to 
the next case clause.
The absence of either "fall" or "break" would indicate an error.

Hypothetical example:
switch( X )
   case A:
        fall;   <-- falls through to the next case
   case B:
        break;  <-- break, same behavior as now
   case C:
   case D:      <-- error, no break or fall statement before case D

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