switch break/fall (last minute request ... )

Craig Black cblack at ara.com
Wed Dec 27 13:10:17 PST 2006

I like this syntax.  It fits better with the rest of the language.  However, 
it's too different, so I don't think Walter would go for it.


"mike" <vertex at gmx.at> wrote in message news:op.tk6yflzgnxkcto at zimmermoos...
Am 26.12.2006, 23:26 Uhr, schrieb Hasan Aljudy <hasan.aljudy at gmail.com>:

> I feel that fighting this common source of bug should've been one of the 
> first things that D had done.

I've once suggested this syntax:

' switch (foo)
' {
'     case (0) writefln("one statement for case 0"); <-- doesn't fall
'     case (1)
'     {
'         writefln("case 1");
'         writefln("has two statements");
'     }
'     case (2, 3)
'     {
'         writefln("case 2 or case 3");
'         writefln("falls through to case 4);
'         continue 4;
'     }
'     case (4)
'     {
'         writefln("case 4");
'         if (foo == 2) break; // <-- break still breaks out of the switch
'         writefln("not case 2");
'     }
'     else writefln("switch default");
' }

Still would like that better than the C syntax (and it saves a keyword!),
but, anyway: If you write the break as soon as you write the case label
and then insert the code you'll never forget the break. This works, this
way I never forgot a break in years.


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