dsource.org project status
noone at nowhere.com
Sun Feb 19 14:12:08 PST 2006
Yea a 'clean-up' of stalled projects, or even moving them out of the main
projects listing , would probably help alot.
"Tony" <ignorethis at nowhere.com> wrote in message
news:dt8ffm$6q2$1 at digitaldaemon.com...
> I've just had a quick look at the projects on dsource.org and noticed that
> of about 70 entries, only 3 are listed as Stable/Production.
> I was wondering:
> 1. Is there a limit to how long a project stays in the Planning - Alpha
> states before it is categorised as abandonware and moved/removed by the
> admin(s)?
> 2. Is it worth discussing some sort of process for focusing development on
> the most promising projects, eg Walters "blessing" of DWT?
> Please note that this is in no way meant as a criticism of the work done
> dsource.org (particularly as I have never contributed anything!). I'm
> a little concerned.
> Tony
> Melbourne, Australia
> tonysZ-mailboxZ at hotmailZ.com (remove the Zs)
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