Putting D on my CV

Walter Bright newshound at digitalmars.com
Mon Feb 20 12:24:34 PST 2006

"Chris" <central_p at hotmail.com> wrote in message 
news:dtcv94$29ls$1 at digitaldaemon.com...
>I think that the name D for the language is not good. Well, it sounds cool 
>and is an improvement over C++ but just try googling for it. I think that 
>an unambiguous name would have been better - like Mars Language, or DM 
>Langage or even DMD Language or WCNL (Walter's Cool New Langauge) :)

Calling it "D" squarely positions it where it aims to be.

> These days when naming something we have to also to consider how it will 
> be displayed on the Net. In that context for instance the name C++ is 
> perfect.

I agree, which is why I suggest that anyone putting up a web page on D have 
the text "D programming language" on it somewhere. 

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