John Reimer
terminal.node at
Fri Feb 24 15:26:51 PST 2006
One Wise Monkee wrote:
> In article <dtihv7$2vtm$1 at>, David Rasmussen says...
>> Are there IDEs out there that support D natively?
>> Are there IDEs out there that even come with D preinstalled?
>> Is there a debugger for D? And a profiler?
>> Is there an IDE that comes with D, a debugger for D and a profiler for D?
> :~o
Interesting... Linus' opinion here is rather weightless apart from his
rather extensive influence in the Linux world.
He can rant away and get away with it. He can throw his weight around,
call debuggers useless, brand programmers with ineptitude who use them,
and harbor pretense of humble self-deprecation craftily disguised as
cold, cruel honesty (apparently a special right of his in which he
ignores any experience, feelings, or knowledge of any other developer).
He does all this and apparently people still worship him as someone
who has spoken the one and only truth. He can call himself a bastard
and nobody will take him seriously. He's honest, right? He doesn't
care what people think, correct? Noble savage... or so he thinks himself.
All his words amount to nothing more than verbalized self-confidence.
Anybody can have it, but it's usually more effectively flouted in people
that have demonstrated success in some area. Nobody listens to the
nobody. But here is the fallacy: Linus is not the only expert, or the
only man experienced in this field. He can spout, but his words prove
nothing more than that he has special confidence in his own ideas and
People like Linus sometimes come to regret what they say as they mature.
I know.
PS. This is not to say that what Linus said is categorically wrong.
This is just me expressing my annoyance at his manner in attempting to
prove his point.
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