DLL (not static one) + Thread.getThis() = access violation

bobef bobef at lessequal.com
Sun Feb 26 00:03:39 PST 2006

Basically it is what the title says. I encountered  this for second time 
so now I am pretty sure. I tested it with the example from the docs and 
it crashes it too, so it is not my fault. I wrote Walter about this in 
the context of DMDScript, but I guess he is too busy, so I post it here, 
if someone can say something... There is some problem with the threads 
in dynamically linked DLL (dynamically linked dynamic link libraries :) 
)  . I belive threads are the cause of my trouble when I try to create 
DWT control within DLL (I posted yesterday about this in the DWT NG)... 
It is interesting if it is till going to crash if I load from statically 
linked DLL. I.e. exe -> static dll -> dynamic dll -> thread.getthis() 
... I will investigate this later...

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