libphobos suggestion
BCS_member at
Sun Feb 26 16:04:42 PST 2006
In article <4401E7BB.3030103 at>, Georg Wrede says...
>Can we please rename libphobos.a to libphobos-0.148.a and so on????
>Is it really that much of a pain to include the version constant in the
>library name????
>As I see it, the only place where a change is needed, is the linker
>command line. (Anybody correct me if i'm wrong. And even if I am, is it
>still that difficult?)
This might get sticky if you use gcc to link your code (like in a makefile). I'm
not to clear on how gcc finds libs but having the libs change names could be a
bad thing.
OTOH if an install script is used hard/soft links could be used to alias as libphobos.a, then you only need to deal with that problem
when using old versions.
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