
John Reimer terminal.node at gmail.com
Sun Jul 2 16:12:53 PDT 2006

Derek Parnell wrote:
> On Mon, 03 Jul 2006 03:30:06 +1000, Hasan Aljudy 
> <hasan.aljudy at gmail.com> wrote:
>> freud wrote:
>>> why do i always get a "xx.d:module xx cannot read file xx.d" when i 
>>> compile
>>> xx.d?  i'm just beginning to learn the d language, anyone can help me ?
>> Could be anything, but ..
>> When it happens to me, it's because I'm using `build` and the module 
>> name doesn't match the file name.
> Well, I still can cause it to happen no matter method I choose. For 
> example ...
> ---- main.d ----
> module xyzzy;
> void main(){}
> ------------------
> build main.d is successful.
> dmd main.d is successful.
> --Derek Parnell
> Melbourne, Australia

The error was showing up when I mistakenly tried to import a module like so:


module amod;

struct foo {}


module bmod;

private import Amod;

void main() {}


but this doesn't seem to produce the problem. It happened when I 
imported a library module with the first letter capitalized, though the 
actual module name was all lower case.

I'm not sure which platform I was struggling with, but I think it was 
windows.  I finally figured out that build was choking on the 
recognition of the capital letter.


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