identof || toIdent - feature suggestion / question

Derek Parnell derek at
Sun Jul 2 23:28:43 PDT 2006

On Sun, 02 Jul 2006 17:21:52 +0800, Daniel Keep wrote:

> The problem with templates/mixins at the moment is that they can't 
> generate new identifiers.  For example, I'd love to be able to do this:
> # mixin attribute!(int, "foo", Public /*read*/, Private /*write*/);
> Which would save a huge amount of essentially useless boilerplate code. 
>   The problem is, of course, that I can't generate that "foo" properly. 
>   The only way to do it is to manually declare the storage, and then 
> alias the getter and setter seperately... and then it ends up being just 
> as long as writing it manually.

I just had a play around with an idea that might be useful here...

import std.stdio;
template AttributeAll(T)
    private T _xA;
    public T get() { return _xA; }
    public T set(T d) { _xA = d; return d; }

template AttributeAll(T, alias F)
    private T _xAF;
    public T get() { return F(_xAF,true); }
    public T set(T d) { _xAF = F(d,false); return F(_xAF,true); }

template AttributeRO(T)
    private T _xR;
    public T get() { return _xR; }

template AttributeRO(T, alias F)
    private T _xRF;
    public T get() { return F(_xRF, true); }

template AttributeWO(T)
    private T _xW;
    public T set(T d) { _xW = d; return _xW; }

template AttributeWO(T, alias F)
    private T _xWF;
    public T set(T d) { _xWF = F(d,false); return F(_xWF,true); }

class Car
    mixin AttributeAll!(int, QA_Colour) Colour;
    mixin AttributeAll!(real)           Speed;
    mixin AttributeRO!(real)            Torque;
    mixin AttributeWO!(real, QA_Accel)  Accel;
    mixin AttributeAll!(char[])         Name;

    // Set torque on acceleration
    private real QA_Accel(real v, bool act)
        if (act == false)
            Torque._xR = v * 17 / 3;
        return v;

    // Validate Colour
    private int QA_Colour(int v, bool act)
        if (act == false)
            if (v >= 0 && v < 256)
                Colour._xAF = v;
            else throw new Error("Bad colour value.");
        return v;

void main()
    auto sample = new Car;

    sample.Name.set = "Furary";
    sample.Colour.set = 4;
    sample.Speed.set = 6.4455;
    sample.Accel.set = 1.2;

    writefln("%s ...\n  Colour %s, Speed %s, Torque %s",

This could be a starting point for better property implementation ?

(skype: derek.j.parnell)
Melbourne, Australia
"Down with mediocrity!"
3/07/2006 4:25:24 PM

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