variadic function: passing args
icee_member at
Tue Jul 4 22:01:27 PDT 2006
In article <e8db27$1hu9$2 at>, Walter Bright says...
>icee wrote:
>> is there a way to pass the ... args from one variadic function to another
>> variadic function?
>> consider such case:
>> void vf1(int a, ...) {
>> vf2(...);
>> }
>> void vf2(...) {
>> }
>> can vf2 take _arguments and _argptr from vf1?
>No, it works a lot like printf/vprintf. Check out the source to
>std.format for how to do it.
Yes, it works if we explicitly pass _arguments and _argptr to a overloaded ones,
but it would be sweet if the compiler can do a magic for me, by some special
syntax. And even more sometime we have no control on the src which provides the
we can do this for a type safe variadic function in D(or C#?):
void vf1(int a, Object[] args...){
and in Python by pack/unpack:
def vf1(a, *args, **kw):
vf2(*arg, **kw)
In article <e8dc2l$1jta$1 at>, Chris Nicholson-Sauls says...
>Maybe if we /did/ have a way it would be better. Maybe something like:
># vf2(_arguments ... _argptr);
>Where the '...' in this case has become an operator meaning to pass these varargs to the
>callee as such. Not sure if it'd be the best syntax, but its the simplest thing that
>comes to mind.
>-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls
maybe just vf2(...); is OK??? if this tell the compiler wrap the _arguments
_argptr pair of vf1 into the vf2 and call it???
and maybe i'm asking for too much:)
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