Historical language survey

kris foo at bar.com
Fri Jul 7 13:04:15 PDT 2006

Fredrik Olsson wrote:
> kris skrev:
>> Just for fun, how many folks here have hands-on experience with any of 
>> the following languages?
>> Algol
> Nope
>> Pascal
> Hobby projects since 1988, professionally since 1995. I would hardly 
> classify Pascal as a historical language.
> nope
>> Ada
> For a few months in 1999, army stuff.
>> Modula
> Only Modula-2, back in 1992 on Atari ST, and barely a few hundred lines 
> of code in Objective Modula-2 this year.
>> Simula
> nope.
> Since Pascal fits the bill I think you should also add LISP, FORTRAN, 
> COBOL, and Prolog :).

hehe ... the list is comprised of pure Algol derivatives. It ignores 
those with only a little Algol influence, such as Fortran-77 and PL1 for 
example. C & C++ are a true part of the Algol family, but pretty much 
everyone here has been exposed to those.

The 'historical' attribute was a poor choice of word on my part ~ 
intended only to tie into the derivation aspect (from Algol)

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