Criteria for 1.0 (was: Re: If D becomes a failure, what's the key reason, do you think?)
Dave_member at
Fri Jul 7 22:47:58 PDT 2006
kris wrote:
> Tony wrote:
>> "Walter Bright" wrote
>>> So what do you say we just call D right now *1.0* and move on? It's not
>>> like D will stop undergoing improvements.
My vote too, but in line with what Kris mentions below I think it's
important to see the following addressed either through better docs. or
(if it is a bug) a fix for v1.0:
- Dave
>> I've taken the liberty of making this a new thread as the old one was
>> getting a little long.
>> Walters post raises the issue of exactly what criteria should be used
>> to determine when D reaches a state suitable for a 1.0 release.
>> My personal take is that it should be a 1.0 release when Walter
>> believes that all of the language changes which are expected to break
>> existing code have been made. For example, if he expects to add any
>> further reserved words, reserve them (even if not presently
>> implemented) prior to the 1.0 release. Also, any change which alters
>> the semantics of an existing feature and thus breaks existing code
>> should be made prior to 1.0.
>> This still leaves bug fixing and additional language features which
>> don't break existing code for post-1.0 releases.
> Hear Hear!
> One thing to add, though, is a certain /level of expectation/ should be
> accomodated without significant issue. We don't want to announce a grand
> opening, so to speak, and have loads of new folks rush through the doors
> and simply fall through holes in the floor. Would be a public-relations
> disaster.
> Given that aspect, I suspect there's still certain outstanding "major
> issues" that really ought to be addressed first? There's no point in
> jumping the gun if you're going to take a dive at the first hurdle.
> Would there a problem with setting a schedule for release, rather than
> just being a tad reactive? I mean, what's another month or two to those
> who really want the language to succeed?
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