Strange template problem

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at
Sat Jul 8 13:23:28 PDT 2006

I'm having some trouble with a very odd template problem. Take the 
following code:

import std.stdio;
import ftype; // Daniel Keep's ftype module

// A function with default arguments
void foo(int i=20, char[] s="Monkey") {
     writefln("foo: %s %s", i, s);

// A function with the same arguments and no defaults
void bar(int i, char[] s) {
     writefln("bar: %s %s", i, s);

// A function that takes a function pointer and the minimum
// number of arguments the function can be called with, and
// calls it.
void Baz(fn_t, uint MIN_ARGS)(fn_t fn) {
     static if (MIN_ARGS == 0)
     else static if (MIN_ARGS == 1)
     else static if (MIN_ARGS == 2)
         fn(15, "Copper");

// A template function that takes a function alias and the
// minimum number of args it can be called with, and calls
// Baz
void Blah(alias Fn, uint MIN_ARGS = NumberOfArgs!(typeof(&Fn))) () {
     alias typeof(&Fn) fn_t;
     fn_t fn = &Fn;
     Baz!(fn_t, MIN_ARGS)(fn);

void main() {
     Blah!(bar);    // Line 28
     Blah!(foo, 0); // Line 29

$ build test
test.d(14): Error: expected 2 arguments, not 0

test.d(24): template instance test22.Baz!(void(*)(int i, char[] s),0u) 
error instantiating
test.d(29): template instance test22.Blah!(foo,0) error instantiating

Curiously, this works if I comment out line 28:

$ build test
gcc test.o ftype.o -o test -m32 -lphobos -lpthread -lm
$ ./test
foo: 20 Monkey

It also works if I comment out line 29 instead:

$ build test
gcc test.o ftype.o -o test -m32 -lphobos -lpthread -lm
$ ./test
bar: 15 Copper

But if both lines are there together, it fails.

Kirk McDonald
Pyd: Wrapping Python with D

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