Import proposals

Regan Heath regan at
Sun Jul 9 18:03:35 PDT 2006

On Mon, 10 Jul 2006 01:53:16 +0100, Bruno Medeiros  
<brunodomedeirosATgmail at> wrote:
> Regan Heath wrote:
>> After reading the entire "Re: import concerns (was Re: Historical  
>> language survey)" thread and hearing all the different opinions I  
>> thought "we need a single place to put complete ideas" and "people  
>> should show support for the idea they like best"
>>  So.. I'd like this thread to be that place. I'm going to post my own  
>> idea (in response to this post) and I'd like it if people to post their  
>> own ideas (or the ideas of others as they understand them) in complete  
>> form. Then I'd like people to show support for an idea that takes their  
>> fancy.
>>  This is to give Walter an idea what ideas have community support.
>>  If people want to discuss the ideas, I suggest we start a new thread,  
>> or a sub thread of this port specifically for discussion, as opposed to  
>> commenting in response to the ideas themselves.
>>  This is generally just an attempt to get the discussion organised and  
>> to provide a reference we can refer back to at a later date. I have a  
>> threaded news group reader and this'll probably only look organised if  
>> you use one too, as opposed to the web interface. If you all think it's  
>> a terrible idea, I won't feel too hurt ;)
>>  Regan
> I agree starting to migrate to a new thread might be useful (if everyone  
> adheres to it), since the other is getting way nested! The most nested  
> I've ever seen, some of the post are so far to right that no part of the  
> title displays already Xp .
> But I'm not so sure about dividing this thread into "discuss" and  
> "ideas", people want to discuss ideas and proposals, it won't work well  
> to divide them I think.

My reasoning is that our ideas ideas evolve/change over time and it'd be  
nice if each evolution was right next to the previous evolution.  
Seperating the discussion allows me to post an idea, be conviced by a  
discussion to change some part of it, or even come up with something  
independantly and post my changes in response to my original idea. This  
allows anyone to see at any time my complete idea/picture, something that  
I think often gets lost/confused in the course of a discussion.

That said, I'm happy to do whatever the community wants.. I've already  
posted and idea and opened a discussion on what I think is a contrary  
point in my idea .. we could see how it works and decide then perhaps?


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