Import concerns revisited

Regan Heath regan at
Tue Jul 11 05:52:31 PDT 2006

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 04:45:44 -0700, kris <foo at> wrote:
> Regan Heath wrote:
>> I think you're being unfair, I'm not getting that impression.
> You are most welcome to form your own impression, Regan. I'm simply  
> noting mine. Is this the longest thread ever? Pretty much everyone here  
> is asking for something better. Go figure *shrug*

This thread is full of miss-understanding and confusion about; what the  
problems are, what the suggestions are, what the current behaviour is,  
what the suggested behaviour will be .. etc that I'm not sure anything  
constructive is going to come from it.

At the very least I hope everyone has learnt something about how the  
current import system works, or how alias can be used (I didn't realise  
you could alias a module name, or part of a module name, cool!), from that  
new understanding perhaps something can be built?

I don't think questioning Walters motives is particularly helpful, at best  
he ignores it, at worst it makes him less inclined to listen to you ..  
but, as you say, you're welcome to share your impression .. I just wonder  
how much 'good' it does.


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