Path struct, and directory walker - filepath.d

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at
Thu Jul 13 12:34:11 PDT 2006

S. wrote:
> I haven't had time to finish this project, and I don't think I will.
> The attached file is the start of a struct for manipulating paths,
> and some classes to foreach over a directory tree.  These are
> intended for linux.  If somebody wants to pick these up and run with
> them go for it!  I retain no rights to these modules.

For somebody whose name I haven't seen here before, I have to say, I 
like the way you write D code.

I'd like to take over, but there are younger and more talented -- and 
more Linux savvy guys here, to do it better.



I bet there are thousands of guys reading this NG, who haven't made any 
noise or who haven't submitted code. I bet quite a few of you don't want 
to do it "because the code should be polished, look like written by some 
  long time D expert", well commented, or otherwise "better than your 
own normal code".

I want you guys to know, that the D community is glad to receive even 
half-written stuff, anytime you feel (like S did) that you don't have 
the time to "finish" it.

(Be it a single class, a single method, half a module, or just a 
skeleton of a concept. Or just maybe a part of any of those.)


Besides, submitting code, or even fragments of code, is the way to get a 
permanent plaque in the Hall of Contributors. Compare that to those who 
have contributed to the syntax, the morale, the direction of development 
-- none of them will ever get mentioned anywhere, even after half a decade.

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