Proposal: Make imports private by default

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeirosATgmail at
Sun Jul 16 08:09:45 PDT 2006

John Reimer wrote:
> "Bruno Medeiros" <brunodomedeirosATgmail at> wrote in message 
> news:e9bcof$1iki$1 at
>> Following the recent generalized discussion about imports, and the 
>> entry in the wiki of proposals of new kinds of imports, and also the 
>> idea I've mentioned before of using the wiki to keep track of 
>> proposals, I have launched this thread as the primary point of 
>> discussion for a very well known and familiar proposal:
>> == Make imports private by default ==
>> -- Description --
>> All import statements which do not have a "protection" attribute 
>> should default to private, instead of public.
>> -- Rationale (PROS) --
>> It is argued that private imports constitute the vast majority of 
>> imports in D code, and as such, for the sake of brevity, they should 
>> be the default.
>> ==========
>> I have created a wiki entry for this proposal:
>> I also tried, with that proposal, to create and experiment with a set 
>> of ideas for creating and managing proposals(the D Change Proposal). 
>> This is discussed in another thread.
>> Use this thread for discussion of this proposal. If you think there is 
>> anything relevant to say (or re-say), do so. And do place your 
>> vote/opinion on the wiki entry. :)
>> -- 
>> Bruno Medeiros - CS/E student
> These proposals are piling higher and deeper.  What is this 
> accomplishing? Hasn't this topic been beaten half to death?  Why do more 
> proposals need to be pushed forward?  What does this "voting" 
> accomplish? This is getting altogether silly!  The voting ritual is 
> something oft repeated in this newsgroup; and unfortunately, it 
> continues to promote the false sense that the community is actually 
> changing D.  Please stop this.  It might as well be called propaganda! 
> It's a waste of time beyond giving everybody that warm fuzzy feeling 
> about improving D.  Port D code or make D libraries: you'll get that 
> fuzzy feeling and actually be doing something productive all at once.
> -JJR

I'm well aware, and I'm sure other voters are, that the "votes" are 
merely representative of one's opinion, and hold no real decision power. 
Walter holds all the decision power. That's actually why I preferred the 
term "rating" over "voting".
If anyone thinks this proposals are to give "the comunity the power to 
change D" then that person is the one who is making a false assumption, 
and "promoting the false sense" of that, not me.

Bruno Medeiros - CS/E student

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