More powerful foreach statements
Oskar Linde
oskar.lindeREM at
Fri Jul 21 02:37:02 PDT 2006
Ben Phillips wrote:
> In article <e9ogh7$b1b$1 at>, kris says...
>> 1) foreach (int i, Foo f; ManyFooInstance)
>> if (i is 0)
>> ....
>> Or somthing like that.
> I tested it and it works, AND its documented. My fault.
>> 2) foreach (int element; collection.reverse)
>> ...
>> where #2 returns a type which supports foreach. Typically, this would be
>> some kind of Iterator construct. IIRC, someone already has a framework
>> for such things? Was it Oskar?
> I remember seeing stuff like this in the MinTL code, but having to create a
> separate type for each type of iteration that you want to support seems rather
> silly (though adding a new language feature to do so may be equally silly as
> well).
> Also, that still doesn't allow one to go reverse order through a builtin array
> with a foreach, unless of course you call ".reverse", which is needlessly
> expensive.
Yes it does. Something like this:
//Converts static arrays to dynamic arrays, leaving other types as
//they are
template MakeDynamic(T) {
static if( is(typeof(Declare!(T).ptr[0]) E))
static if (is(T:E[]))
alias E[] MakeDynamic;
alias T MakeDynamic;
alias T MakeDynamic;
struct ArrayReverseIterator(Array) {
MakeDynamic!(Array) array;
alias elementType!(Array) Element;
int opApply(int delegate(inout Element) dg) {
for (int i = array.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (auto status = dg(array[i]))
return status;
return 0;
ArrayReverseIterator!(Array) reverseIterator(Array)(Array array) {
ArrayReverseIterator!(Array) iter;
iter.array = array;
return iter;
foreach(x; "abcd".reverseIterator())
writefln("x = %s",x);
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