pinning revisited

Dave Dave_member at
Fri Jul 21 14:58:08 PDT 2006

S. wrote:
> Why does that have to be a template?  Can't you deduce the size from the
> typeinfo's of the variadic function?

Gimme a break - it was a 10 minute demo. <g>

Two usability reasons though (IMHO): a) you'd need to pass the TypeInfo 
into the ctor and b) you'd need to cast the returned pointers.

     //with(new SafeCStr(len,len))
     with(new CAlloc(typeid(char),len,len))
         char[] str = "abcdefg...";
         //char* s = ptrs[0], d = ptrs[1];
         char* s = cast(char*)ptrs[0], d = cast(char*)ptrs[1];

Seems easier for the end-user to just do the one time aliases.

> -SC
> In article <e9pmt6$20j0$1 at>, Dave says...
>> Jason O'Brien wrote:
>>> It's not that any of us need to pin right now, but that the standard
>>> puts anyone using C interop in a hard place: It's not possible to write
>>> forward-compatible gc safe code.  We want to, but we can't, and so we
>>> don't.  Noone is right now, and I'm afraid the more broken code we all
>>> write the less likely it is a more efficient copying collector will ever
>>> be worthwhile, and if it does get done all the more code we have to 
>>> rewrite.
>>> I have a couple of ideas, but whatever we decide on we should do it soon.
>> The concern is valid and your ideas are good ones IMO. But for now we 
>> can always get around using the GC by using malloc/free, etc.
>> Another idea: Why not just make it easier to de/alloc using the crt and 
>> place those into "auto blocks" (for now).
>> import std.stdarg, std.c.stdlib : malloc, free;
>> extern(C)
>> {
>>     char* strncpy(char*,char*,size_t);
>>     size_t strlen(char*);
>> }
>> void main()
>> {
>>     size_t len = 100;
>>     with(new SafeCStr(len,len))
>>     {
>>         const char[] str = "abcdefg...";
>>         char* s = ptrs[0], d = ptrs[1];
>>         strncpy(s,str,str.length);
>>         strncpy(d,s,str.length);
>>         printf("%s: %d\n",d,strlen(d));
>>     }
>> }
>> auto class CAlloc(T)
>> {
>>     T*[] ptrs;
>>     this(...)
>>     {
>>         for(size_t idx = 0; idx < _arguments.length; idx++)
>>         {
>>             if(_arguments[idx] != typeid(int) &&
>>                _arguments[idx] != typeid(size_t))
>>                 throw new Exception("wrong type of arg");
>>             long len = va_arg!(int)(_argptr);
>>             if(len < 0)
>>                 throw new Exception("invalid allocation length");
>>             ptrs ~= cast(T*)malloc(len * T.sizeof);
>>             if(ptrs[idx] is null)
>>                 throw new Exception("allocation failed");
>>         }
>>     }
>>     ~this()
>>     {
>>         foreach(inout ptr; ptrs)
>>         {
>>             if(ptr)
>>             {
>>                 free(ptr);
>>                 ptr = null;
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> alias CAlloc!(char) SafeCStr;

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