General Problems for GC'ed Applications?

Dave Dave_member at
Mon Jul 24 08:37:14 PDT 2006

Karen Lanrap wrote:
> Unknown W. Brackets wrote:
>> Yes, a collect will cause swapping - if you have that much
>> memory used. 
>>   Ideally, collects won't happen often (since they can't just
>>   happen 
>> whenever anyway, they happen when you use up milestones of
>> memory) and you can disable/enable the GC and run collects
>> manually when it makes the most sense for your software.
>> Failing that, software which is known to use a large amount of
>> memory may need to use manual memory management.  Likely said
>> software will perform poorly anyway.
> I disagree. Assume a non GC'ed program that allocates 1.5 GB to 1.7 
> GB memory, from which 0.7 GB to 0.9 GB are vital data. If you run 
> this program on a machine equipped with 1 GB, the OS will swap out 
> the 0.8 GB data that is accessed infrequently. Therefore this 
> program cause swapping only if it accesses data from the swapped 
> out part of data and the size of the swapped data will be 
> approximately bounded by doubling the size of the data needed to be 
> swapped back.
> This changes dramatically if you GC it, because on every allocation 
> the available main memory is exhausted and the GC requires the OS 
> to swap all 0.8 GB back, doesn't it. 
>> I'm afraid I'm not terribly familiar with the dining
>> philosopher's problem, but again I think this is a problem only
>> somewhat aggravated by garbage collection.
>> Most of your post seems to be wholly concerned with applications
>> that use at least the exact figure of Too Much Memory (tm). 
> It is not only somewhat aggravated. Assume the example given above 
> is doubled by two instances of that program and the main memory is 
> not only doubled to 2GB but increased to 4GB or even more.
> Again both non GC'ed version of the program run without any 
> performance problems, but the GC'ed versions do not---although the 
> memory size is increased by a factor that enables the OS to not 
> swap out any allocated data in case of the non GC'ed versions.
> This is because both programs at least slowly increase their 
> allocations of main memory.
> This goes without performance problems unitl the available main 
> memory is exhausted. The first program that hits the limit starts 
> GC'ing its allocated memory---and forces the OS to swap all in. 
> Hence this first program is getting in the danger that all memory 
> freed by its GC is immetiately eaten up by the other instance, that 
> continues running unaffected because its thirst for main memory is 
> accompülished by the GC of the other instance, if that GC is 
> freeing memory as the GC recognizes it.
> At the time when this GC run ends there are at least two cases 
> distinguishable:
> a) the main memory at the end of the run is still insufficient, 
> because the other application ate it all up. Then this instance 
> stops with "out of memory".
> b) the main memory at the end of the run by chance is sufficient, 
> because the other application was not that hungry. Then this 
> instance will start being performant again. But only for the short 
> time until the limit is reached again.
> This is a simple example with only one processor and two competing 
> applications---and I believe that case a) can happen.
> So I feel unable to prove that on multi-core machines running 
> several GC'ed applications the case a) will never happen.
> And even if case a) never happens there might be always at least 
> one application that is running its GC. Hence swapping si always on 
> the run. 

Someone else pointed out earlier that "stupid is as stupid does" with 
regard to memory mgmt., whether or not your using a GC. This has 
historically been a big problem with how Java programs are written. D 
OHOH allows manual deletion, plus the combination of the GC along with 
things like easy array slicing should allow for memory efficient design 
patterns that are not only feasible but efficient to develop and maintain.

Plus of course D allows crt memory mgmt. should you really need that.

>> A sweeping statement that garbage collection causes
>> a dining philosopher's problem just doesn't seem correct to me.
> Then prove me wrong.

You're making the original assertion that it's a problem - I believe the 
onus is on you to prove that it would apply to efficient design patterns 
using D <g>

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