General Problems for GC'ed Applications?

Karen Lanrap karen at
Tue Jul 25 12:08:53 PDT 2006

Dave wrote:
> you made some strong general and sweeping assertions about GC in
> general that I don't think reflect general use of the GC.

You may be right, because I introduced at least two faults:
1) I used the word "typical behaviour" where I would have been better 
off with "behaviour in general" or "not excludable behaviour".
2) I still have not found an example where D's memory management 
allows for steadily growing allocated memory only interrupted by 
starting of some GC sweeps. I would be glad if someone can hint to an 
argument that such behaviour is impossible with this GC---then I can 
stop that search.

The side effects I detected are rooted in the fact, that the sweeps 
of the GC break the locality of data accesses.

1. Observation:
There are cases of only one application, where a memory leak causes 
severe performance degradation, although the GC is enabled.

2. Observation:
If there are more than one application poisoned by memory leaks and 
although the GC is enabled, there are cases where caused by the 
memory leaks

2.a. all but one application are that slow, that they seem to be 

2.b. the capability of a system to run a number of applications 
decreases by the factor "online data" / "all data" approximately

If these cases are of no unterest, then it is useless to post any 

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